'Kayla Itsines Workout | No Kit Arms + Abs Beginner Session'

30:57 Sep 7, 2021
'WH has teamed up Kayla Itsines on a no-kit workout series. Grab yourself an exercise mat and it\'s time to work abs and arms.  ___________________________________________________________________ How the Kayla Itsines workout series works:  + You need nothing more than a mat and a mat’s worth of floor space.  + This is BBG inspired but not the same. These are new, exclusive workouts designed for you.   + There are 6 videos in this home-workout series (all videos available at https://www.womenshealthmag.com/uk/fitness/workouts/a25655362/kayla-itsines-workouts/)  + Do this workout once a week and then take a rest day the next.   + Do a warm-up before you begin and listen to your body. If something doesn\'t feel right, skip it and do seek medical advice if you\'re worried about your body or health.   REMEMBER TO WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE! YOU DO NOT NEED TO KEEP UP WITH KAYLA - JUST LIKE BBG, KEEP WORKING THROUGH THE CIRCUIT (DOING THE NUMBER OF REPS FOR EACH EXERCISE) UNTIL THE TIMER IS UP.   + Exercises in this video: Circuit one: 10 x Push-ups on knees 10 x Straight leg raises  10 x Heel taps 30 Second Plank  Circuit two: 10 x Lay-down push-ups on knees 10 x Single leg raises 20 x Ab bikes 10 x Commandos on knees  Do circuit on for 7 minutes. Rest. Do Circuit 2 for seven minutes. Rest. Repeat all.   [REMEMBER TO WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE! YOU DO NOT NEED TO KEEP UP WITH KAYLA - JUST LIKE BBG, KEEP WORKING THROUGH THE CIRCUIT (DOING THE NUMBER OF REPS FOR EACH EXERCISE) UNTIL THE TIMER IS UP ] ___________________________________________________________________  Each workout is 28-minutes long. But don’t panic. Much like Kayla’s world-famous BBG each session is broken up into four circuits. This means you’re only ever be working for seven minutes.' 

Tags: home , Women , fitness , ab workout , home workout , Weight loss , healthy , workouts , diet , Food , kayla itsines , BBG , bbg workout , kayla ab workout , kayla arm workout

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